CISC 4660 L01
Minds, Machines & Society
Spring, 2019
Dr. Robert K. Moniot
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Schedule of Student Presentations
Updated: 3:42 pm EDT 04/09/2019.
Mar. 26KilkennyAI in pop culture
OnduskoFree will in AI
Mar. 29HasteRussian political meddling
BuryComputers in policing
Apr. 2MarroccoAI in medicine
KangAI in video games
Apr. 5DwightInstagram practices
CaballeroWearable tech for health
Apr. 9FloresAI and psychology
Apr. 12HasegawaSelf-driving cars
GallipoliTech in education
Apr. 16BugbeeInternet access & censorship
AshtonFacebook issues
Apr. 23AbbateDigitalization of humanitarian action
FriedbergTech in music
Apr. 26ChristBias in AI algorithms
SalaEconomics of AI
Apr. 30EliaAI in art
MathiasWomen in tech
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